Monday, March 31, 2008

Μικρό μου πόνι

tanslation? My Little Pony!

I have come to a point in my collection where I have been focusing more and more on 'nirvana' ponies, that is, foreign ponies. I am even considering downsizing my current collection in order to afford more precious pieces in my collection, as obviously 'nirvana' ponies tend to be quite a bit rarer and therefore quite a bit pricier. Different countries tend to lend themselves to being even more expensive. The ultimate? Greek ponies.

from MLPWiki:
"Ponies made in Greece were produced by a company called El Greco. They are very hard to find and desireable, as there were not a whole lot made. Rumor has it that the cause for this is the El Greco factory supposedly burned down, though this has not been confirmed.

Greek ponies have some interesting traits! The most outstanding one would be their symbols- many tend to bleed, resulting in an aura of color around them. It usually happens but is not limited to symbols containing red dye. As it is so common, it generally not considered as a flaw by most collectors. Other prominent traits are their thick, almost "Egyptian like", as collectors have compared it to, eyeliner, their squishy plastic, and their "choppy hair". The ones with stripes in their manes also have that same color mixed in their tails, unique to them. Many Greeks also have no stamp on their feet, and others have a delta mark."

well, now you know a bit more about Greek ponies! yes? now on to the real reason for this entry...I just bought these three mint on card Greek rainbow ponies! Parasol and 2 differnt versions of Sunlight (she is my favorite pony, one day I will have all of her different country variations!). here are the sale pictures, I will update with new pictures when they arrive.

(blue version w/silver clouds - now I just need the version with blue clouds!)

(orange version)

(pink version - now I just need the orange version!)

These beauties will also be my first mint on card ponies! If I can find/afford them, I would really love to buy all the rainbow ponies MOC, but I would also love to have each one of them loose as well. Greek ponies are so beautiful and I would love to have the second set to enjoy with out the packaging. not anytime soon though! I think I need to recoup my wallet a bit after this particular expenditure!

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